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Women Mayors

Breaking barriers in government

Symbol for Women Mayors

The Women Mayors Foundation, part of City Mayors Foundation, is dedicated to women in local government. The Project features the achievements of female mayors worldwide and campaigns for women to play a stronger political role in towns and cities. Women mayors have demonstrated their determination and ability to succeed and serve their communities. Many have become role models for young women and, indeed, men.


However, the Women Mayors Project will not hesitate to speak out where individual female mayors have failed to act to the highest ethical and professional standards. Acts of corruption and misconduct in office, whether they are committed by men or women, threaten fundamental decency in society.


In local government, particularly in politics, women are under-represented. While several world-class cities, like Tokyo, Washington DC, Bogota, Montreal, Stockholm, Cologne, Paris, Zurich, Mexico City and Sydney, have elected female mayors, according to research by the Women Mayors Foundation, less than 15 per cent of the world’s mayors are women. (Other research points to even lower figures.) It is also estimated that in Europe and North America, only between 30 and 35 per cent of city councillors are female.


The Women Mayors Foundation aims to show what women mayors achieve in communities large and small and on all continents. By doing so, the Project hopes to encourage more women to contemplate a career in local government and run for political office.


The Women Mayors Foundation is, as the in 2003 established City Mayors Foundation, an international philanthropic initiative, is maintained and financed by professionals working together in Europe, North as well as South America and Asia.


The Women Mayors Foundation has no association with any city or organisation and is run on strictly non-commercial, non-profit lines. Sponsorships, advertising, subscriptions, donations or any other kind of revenue are NOT sought and will be rejected if offered.


The Women Mayors Foundation has established a Code of Ethics for mayors and others working in local government to adhere to.




The Team

Tann vom Hove

Position: Founding Fellow

Location: London

Expertise: Economics, government, politics, social affairs, statistics

Languages: English, German, French


Adriana Maciel

Position: Fellow

Location: Mexico City

Expertise: Women in politics, education, languages

Languages: Spanish, English, French


Graham Cunningham

Position: Fellow

Location: Edinburgh

Expertise: European and Asian history, education, environment

Languages: English, German, Latin


Mayraj Fahim

Position: Fellow

Location: USA, Pakistan

Expertise: Feminism, municipal finance and local government re-organisation

Languages: English


Michael O'Connor

Position: Fellow

Location: London

Expertise: Social care, adult and child services & community development

Languages: English


Paulo Botas

Position: Fellow

Location: London

Expertise: Sociology, education, research

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish


Tony Favro
Position: Fellow
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Expertise: Local government, politics, society, environment
Languages: English, Italian


Matteo Dalle Fratte
Position: Fellow
Location: London, UK; Venice, Italy
Expertise: Local government, music
Languages: Italian, English



Ruth E Maguire
Founding Fellow
Died 23 April 2006


On other pages: World Mayor 2025 | Code of Ethics for mayors | Comments & Opinions |




Please email us for further information and / or with any questions you may have.

Women Mayors is independent and run on stricitly non-commercial, non-profit lines. Revenues are not sought and will be rejected if offered. EMAIL .

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