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Code of Ethics
The City Mayors Foundation was established in 2003 to promote, encourage and facilitate ethical local government. To support local government, City Mayors has instituted a Code of Ethics for city leaders who wish to perform their duties beyond all reproach.

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Good and honest local government is the foundation of any nation that strives to provide its citizens with happiness, security and prosperity. Incompetence, corruption and misconduct in local government threaten fundamental decency in a society.

Article 1
Mayors shall execute the office of mayor for the common good of their communities while refraining from actions that may harm other communities or the wider world. They shall take full responsibility for any acts performed by themselves or by members of their administrations.

Article 2
Mayors shall not discriminate against individuals or groups because of their politics, race, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

Article 3
Mayors shall support and uphold the letter and intent of the laws of their cities and nations as well as relevant international laws. They shall demand the same degree of respect for the law from all members of their administrations.

Article 4
Mayors shall be free to oppose any laws of their cities and nations where such laws contravene the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 5
Mayors shall administer public resources for the public benefit of their communities while considering whether such use could cause unreasonable harm to other communities and the wider world.

Article 6
Mayors shall never use their official positions to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for themselves, members of their families, friends, colleagues or others.

Article 7
Mayors shall not perform any official actions where a direct or indirect financial or personal involvement might reasonably be expected to prejudice their objectivity or independence of judgment. They shall demand the same degree of impartiality from all members of their administrations.

Article 8
Mayors shall accept no gifts or offers based upon an understanding, stated or implied, that they were given to influence them in the discharge of their public duties. They shall demand the same degree of honesty from all members of their administrations.

Article 9
Mayors shall be open to public scrutiny of their official actions and those of their staff, including their relationships, contractual and otherwise, with vendors, consultants, and business associates. Mayors shall report any improper actions they witness, such as bribes, kickbacks, and gift offers.

Article 10
Mayors shall work to strengthen civil society by raising public awareness of, and confidence in, their city government’s activities.

Article 11
Mayors shall use their influence to promote co-operation and good will between cities, nationally and internationally.



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