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Mexican Women Mayors

Since the June 2024 elections, close to 50% of Mexico's 80 largest cities have women mayors. Mayoral elections were held in 1802 Mexican cities. More than 29% of mayors elected were women.

Research by Adriana Maciel *

Women Mayors elected in Mexico on 2 June 2024 (from Left): Alejandra Gutiérrez Campos (León, Estado de Guanajuato); Clara Brugada Molina (Mexico City); Abelina López Ródriguez (Acapulco, Estado de Guerrero)

June 2024: For most of the last century, Mexico did not have women mayors. Aurora Meza Andraca, elected in 1938, was the country’s first woman mayor. She ruled a state capital. It took then another 17 years to elect the country’s second female mayor. María del Socorro Blanc Ruiz took office in 1955. In this century, however, women are firmly established in Mexico’s local government. While they have not yet reached parity with men, more than 29 per cent of mayors elected this year are women. The percentage of women taking charge of the country’s largest cities, those with more than 200,000 residents, has almost reached 50 per cent.


On 2 June 2024, some 1,802 out of the 2,469 municipalities in Mexico elected mayors for new three-year terms. They will take office between October 2024 and the end of the year. Some 523 of the newly elected mayors are women, 39 of whom will govern cities and municipalities of more than 200,000 inhabitants. Seven state capitals, including Mexico City, will have women at the helm.


MORENA (National Regeneration Movement), the country’s ruling party since 2018, strengthened by the victory of Claudia Sheinbaum as Mexico’s first woman president, will take charge of 30 of the 39 largest cities. In some cases, the party will govern in coalition with Mexico’s Green Party, Labour Party and/or Fuerza México.


Mexico’s main political parties

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Founded in 1929; Politics: centre-right, nationalist

National Action Party (PAN) Founded in 1939; Politics: centre-right, right-wing

Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) Founded in 1989; Politics: centre-left, left-wing

MORENA Founded in 2011: Politics: Left-wing

Labour Party (PT) Founded in 1990; Politics: Left-wing

Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) Founded in 1993; Politics: Green politics, centre-left

Citizens Movement (MC) Founded in 1999; Politics centre-left


Women mayors elected in Mexico on 2 June 2024 for a four-year term

The newly elected mayors will assume office between October and the end of 2024. Further below is a list of current Mexican female mayors elected in 2021. Their terms will end later this year.

(Listed in alphabetical order of states)


Ensenada, Estado de Baja California

Popl: 443,000

Mayor Claudia Josefina Agatón Muñiz

Party / Politics: MORENA


Mexicali, Estado de Baja California

Popl: 1,000,000

Mayor Norma Alicia Bustamante Martínez

Party / Politics: MORENA


La Paz, Estado de Baja California Sur

Popl: 250,000

Mayor Milena Paola Quiroga Romero

Party / Politics: MORENA


Campeche, Estado de Campeche

Popl: 900,000

Mayor Biby Karen Rabelo de la Torre

Party / Politics: Movimiento Ciudadano


Ocosingo, Estado de Chiapas

Popl: 234,000

Mayor Manuela Angélica Méndez Cruz

Party / Politics: Green Party


San Cristobal de las Casas, Estado de Chiapas

Popl: 215,000

Mayor Fabiola Ricci Diestel

Party / Politics: MORENA


Irapuato, Estado de Guanajuato

Popl: 592,000

Mayor Lorena del Carmen Alfaro García

Party / Politics: Coalition: PAN, PRI, PRD


León, Estado de Guanajuato

Popl: 1,700,000

Mayor Alejandra Gutiérrez Campos

Party / Politics: PAN


Silao, Estado de Guanajuato

Popl: 203,000

Mayor Janet Melanie Murillo Chavez

Party / Politics: PAN


Acapulco, Estado de Guerrero

Popl: 3,540,000

Mayor Abelina López Ródriguez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Guadalajara, Estado de Jalisco

Popl: 1,385,000

Mayor Verónica Delgadillo García

Party / Politics: Movimiento Ciudadano


Tlaquepaque, Estado de Jalisco

Popl: 687,000

Mayor Laura Imelda Pérez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


El Salto, Estado de Jalisco

Popl: 232,000

Mayor María Elena Farías

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Chalco, Estado de México

Popl: 384,000

Mayor Abigail Sánchez Martínez

Party / Politics: MORENA


Chimalhuacán, Estado de México

Popl: 705,000

Mayor Xochitl Flores Jiménez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Ecatepec de Morelos, Estado de México

Popl: 1,645,000

Mayor Azucena Cisneros Coss

Party / Politics: MORENA


Huixquilucan, Estado de México

Popl: 284,000

Mayor Romina Contreras Carrasco

Party / Politics: PAN


Nicolás Romero, Estado de México

Popl: 430,000

Mayor Yoselin Nayeli Mendoza Ramírez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Tecamac, Estado de México

Popl: 547,000

Mayor Rosa Yolanda Wong Romero

Party / Politics: MORENA


Tultitlán, Estado de México

Popl: 516,000

Mayor Ana María Castro Fernández

Party / Politics: MORENA


La Paz, Estado de México

Popl: 304,000

Martha Guerrero Sánchez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Mexico City

Popl: 9,200,000

Mayor Clara Brugada Molina

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Azcaptzalco, Mexico City district

Popl: 432,000

Mayor Nancy Marlene Nuñez Resendiz

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Iztacalco, Mexico City district

Popl: 384,000

Mayor María de Lourdes Paz Reyes

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Iztapalapa, Mexico City district

Popl: 1,800,000

Mayor Aleida Alavez Ruiz

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Tlahuac, Mexico City district

Popl: 392,000

Mayor Araceli Berenice Hernández

Party / Politics: MORENA


Tlalpan, Mexico City district

Popl: 700,000

Mayor Gabriela Osorio Hernández

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Xochimilco, Mexico City district

Popl: 442,000

Mayor Circe Camacho Bastida

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City district

Popl: 544,000

Mayor Alessandra Rojo de la Vega Piccolo

Party / Politics: Coalition:  PAN, PRI, PRD


Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City district

Popl: 443,000

Mayor Evelyn Parra Álvarez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Tepic, Nayarit

Popl: 425,000

Mayor María Geraldine Ponce Méndez

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party, Fuerza México


Benito Juárez, Estado de Quintana Roo

Popl: 911,000

Mayor Ana Patricia Peralta de la Peña

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Solidaridad, Estado de Quintana Roo

Popl: 333,000

Mayor Angy Estefanía Mercado Asencio

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Mazatlán, Estado de Sinaloa

Popl: 501,000

Mayor Estrella Palacios Domínguez

Party / Politics: MORENA


Guasave, Estado de Sinaloa 

Popl: 501,000

Mayor Cecilia Ramírez Montoya

Party / Politics: MORENA


Centro, Estado de Tabasco 

Popl: 683,000

Mayor Yolanda del Carmen Osuna

Party / Politics: MORENA


Nuevo Laredo, Estado de Tamaulipas

Popl: 425,000

Mayor Carmen Lila Canturosas Villareal

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Tampico, Estado de Tamaulipas 

Popl: 297,000

Mayor Mónica Zacil Villareal Anaya

Party / Politics: Coalition: MORENA, Green Party, Labour Party


Mérida, Estado de Yucatán 

Popl: 995,000

Mayor Cecilia Anunciación Patrón Laviada

Party / Politics: Coalition: PAN, PRI, Nueva Alianza


* Sources and methodology: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) and Demoscopía Digital. The research was carried out in January and June 2024. .

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