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World Mayor 2025

Please nominate your candidate for the 2025 World Mayor Prize

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The 2025 World Mayor Project is dedicated to Mayors fighting poverty, particularly poverty among women and children. Poverty is an affront to human rights and dignity. It prevents hundreds of millions of people from realising their full potential. Poverty is about a lack of food, housing, health care, education, prospects, safety, resources, dignity, and, indeed, love. (Definitions of poverty)

World Mayor Prize winners

Most recent winners of the World Mayor Prize with the World Mayor sculpture: Elke Kahr, Mayor of Graz, Austria (2023); Philippe Rio, Mayor of Grigny, France (2021); Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, Netherlands (2021); Valeria Mancinelli, Mayor of Ancona, Italy (2018) (Full history from 2004 to 2023)


"The poor are not to blame for poverty."

"Fighting poverty does not mean abolishing wealth, but using the opportunities that wealth brings to create lasting value, where none currently exists."

"To strengthen mankind, the world’s billionaires and oligarchs should use their wealth to fight poverty on Earth and not waste their fortunes on the moon, mars and beyond."

"Communities become more prosperous when the poor become less poor and not when a few wealthy people become richer."

"Of course, mayors cannot solve all the causes of poverty. But, every day they see what poverty means, how people suffer, and how it reduces people’s ability to lead a full life."


About World Mayor 2025

For the 2025 World Mayor Prize and Honours, the World Mayor Project is seeking mayors from large cities, towns and even villages who have put in place measures in support of the least well-off in their communities. The initiatives may be small-scale or have the potential to be applied by other towns and cities. We would also like to hear from mayors who cooperate on a national and international level with other cities and/or aid organisations, for example.


Since the inception of World Mayor 2004, the Project has featured many mayors who have made poverty relief one of their main aims in office. We now wish to hear from many more. Please nominate a mayor who has made fighting poverty a priority.


Please nominate your candidate for the World Mayor Prize

The World Mayor Project is open to both men and women


About your nominated mayor

> Name of mayor (first name and surname)

> Mr, Mrs, Ms

> In office since

> City, town or village of the mayor

> Country

> Statement of support: Please describe the actions your nominated mayor has taken and/or policies implemented to relieve poverty in his/her community. You may also comment on the mayor’s successes and outline what more could be done.


About you

> Your name and/or organisation. (It does not have to be your full name)

> Your residence (City and country)

> Your email address (optional)


Please reply to us by EMAIL

Thank you



​For your information

The World Mayor Project, organised by the philanthropic City Mayors Foundation since 2004, has no connection with any city or organisation and is run on strictly non-commercial lines. Sponsorships, donations or any other kind of revenue are not sought and will be rejected if offered.



All personal information you provide us with will be treated in the strictest confidence. None of the information will be passed on to third parties. Also, we do not collect data by cookies or other hidden means.


Please EMAIL us with any questions you may have.


Thank you for participating in the 2025 World Mayor Project.



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Women Mayors is independent and run on stricitly non-commercial, non-profit lines. Revenues are not sought and will be rejected if offered. EMAIL .

Your World Mayor 2025

​The 2025 World Mayor Project is dedicated to Mayors fighting Poverty

Please nominate your candidate​

Privacy: All personal information you provide will be treated in strict confidence. Also, we do NOT collect data by cookies or other hidden means. © All rights reserved.

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